Lilo Hope Dean

Lilo is a pure bred, short rough coated,Female, Border Collie. She's a very interesting....character, to say the least.
I got Lilo when she was only 5 weeks old (according to the vet). She was the cutest little thing. A quiet pup at first, but she quickly warmed up to the husband and myself. She became very attached to me, as I did to her. The older she got the more of that Border Collie craziness came out...

Lilo is my side kick, my right hand. She is truly my Heart Dog, I can't even imagine how my life would be without her right beside me. She's crazy, loud, always on the go, she's a bitch at times to other dogs, she back talks me when im not looking, but the thing that stands out the most about her, she's the most loyal dog I've ever had the pleasure of sharing my life with....

Lilo is true to her breed, always ready and willing to work. Never ending energy. Protective of her family(or flock) and loyal to her master to the very end..... Aside from what I've already said about her, it's kind of hard for me to truly discribe Lilo. She is so many things wrapped in one, and there are so many things about her that are just indescribable... She is truly one of a kind, and I don't think any dog could live up her name. =)